ICOE Led Training

Britannica School and Britannica Escolar
Description: Tour the many helpful features of Britannica School and Britannica Escolar. Preview and create standards aligned lesson plans and search rich meda. For further training and support, please contact edservices@inyoco.org
September 15, 2021
Pear Deck
Description: All teachers and students in Inyo county have the Pear Deck add-on to Google slides. Learn how to make your presentations more engaging and interactive through this PD session! For training and support, contact Mini at mdoonan@inyocoe.org
September 8, 2021

Description: Learn all that CalSnap has to offer! CalSnap is a searchable, curated collection of safe and vetted K-12 resources for teachers and students. If you would like a login for CalSnap, please contact Ilissa at itwomey@inyocoe.org
September 1, 2021

Pear Deck
Description: Pear Deck is a tool that allows teachers to integrate interactive questions into Google Slides. ICOE has provided premium accounts to all Inyo teachers.
September 28, 2020

Description: Join a Hovercam rep as he goes through the different features and tools available with the Hovercam software.
September 11, 2020
Google Docs & Drive
Recording not available, please contact edservices@inyocoe.org with questions or if any assistance is needed.
Description: Learn helpful tools and tricks for using and sharing docs with your students!
September 8, 2020